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Dov Charney

Dov Charney is the founder and CEO of American Apparel, a clothing manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. Dov Charney was named as the Top 100 most powerful people in Southern California by The Los Angeles Times.

I talk about Dov Charney because I noticed that immediately after I made the article on Oprah Winfrey's death google indexed that page so quickly, in about 24 minutes. I'm not sure if the indexing of the page was faster than that but getting indexed under 25minutes thrills me.

Dov Charney is the hottest trend in google today. This is not related the "celebrity luxury" but allow me to do this post for experimental purposes. I will monitor how fast this article is included in google's search. If all my posts get crawled by google spiders fast then that's very very good.

I hope this post gets indexed quickly and appears for the keyword Dov Charney.